Countries by GDP: 30 Largest Economies in the World
Mexico supports a variety of exports, including consumer electronics, vehicles, and auto parts, as well as petroleum and agricultural products. Select a country from the drop-down menu below to compare its actual growth rate and estimated potential growth rate over time. The bottom chart shows the difference between actual and potential growth, or its growth gap.
Belgium is a developed EU economy with a 2021 GDP of nearly $600 billion. Given its geography and membership in the EU, Belgium is the host country to the EU and NATO headquarters. Considering its developed economy, Belgium has a GDP per capita of $51,767.79 for 2021. Despite global headwinds, the world bank expects Thailand’s economy to grow 3.4% in 2022 and 3.6% in 2023 as the country continues to develop. In 2021, Thailand had a nominal GDP of $505.98 billion and a GDP, PPP of $1.34 trillion. Given it spends more on research and development as a percentage of GDP than any other nation at 5.44% in 2020, Israel is regarded by many as a leader in innovation.
- To view changes over time, adjust the date using the slider at the top left of the map.
- The data for GDP at purchasing power parity has also been rebased using the new International Comparison Program price surveys and extrapolated to 2007.
- It is followed by China in second place with a GDP of 17.96 trillion dollars.
- Given its population, resources, and proximity to the United States, the country also has substantial potential to expand its economy considerably in the future.
- Non-sovereign entities (the world, continents, and some dependent territories) and states with limited recognition (such as Kosovo, Palestine and Taiwan) are included in the list in cases in which they appear in the sources.
- Brazil’s diversified economy runs the gamut from heavy industries, such as aircraft and automotive production, to mineral and energy resource extraction.
It has a highly developed agricultural sector and is the second-largest agricultural exporter in the world. The Netherlands has a large financial services sector, engaged in asset pooling and supported by the Dutch Ministry of Finance. Spain’s economy suffered severely during the Great Recession, with unemployment soaring above 25% and a rising national debt despite attempts at fiscal austerity. Over the past three decades, Mexico has emerged as a manufacturing economy under a series of free trade agreements with the United States, Canada, and 50 other countries. Many major U.S. manufacturers have integrated supply chains with counterparts or operations in Mexico.
Gross domestic product or gross national product?
India’s economy is a mixture of traditional village farming and handicrafts alongside booming modern industry and mechanized agriculture. India is a major exporter of technology services and business outsourcing, and the service sector makes up a large share of its economic output. Argentina’s primary contributor to GDP is the industrial sector, followed by services and then agriculture. Its industries include food processing, motor vehicles, consumer durables, textiles, chemicals, printing, metallurgy, and steel.
In terms of GDP growth, the growth of GDP of many nations were relatively strong in 2022 given the rebound from the pandemic. Federal Reserve having raised interest rates seven times this year alone, however, many analysts think there could be an economic slowdown next year. In terms of the world’s largest economies, many of the leading economies are countries that are either very developed like Japan or have large populations and resources like India and China. Although there are exceptions, emerging markets tend to have lower nominal GDP than their GDP, PPP. Nominal GDP is the value of all the finished goods and services produced in a country in a year based on current prices without adjusting for inflation.
Sweden is a competitive economy, with a high standard of living and a mix of free enterprise alongside a generous social welfare state. Sweden’s manufacturing economy relies heavily on foreign exports, including machinery, motor vehicles, and telecommunications. Switzerland has a large service sector, including financial services, and a high-tech manufacturing sector served by a highly skilled labor force. High-quality legal, political, and economic institutions and solid physical infrastructure set the stage for a productive economy with one of the highest per-capita GDPs in the world. Turkey has a largely open economy, with large industrial and service sectors. Major industries include electronics, petrochemicals, and automotive production.
Biggest Economies
The international drug trade constitutes an ongoing challenge to Mexico’s development, contributing directly to violence and corruption in the country. Weak legal institutions have made it difficult to regulate and integrate the large informal economy that employs more than half of Mexico’s workforce. Economy is driven by its large service sector, particularly in finance, insurance, and business services. The nation’s extensive trading relationship with continental Europe has been greatly complicated by the resolution of Brexit subsequent to the 2016 vote to leave the European Union (EU). Is officially not a member of the EU, but contentious negotiations over trade relations between the two are ongoing. Germany is a top exporter of vehicles, machinery, chemicals, and other manufactured goods and has a highly skilled workforce.
The IMF definitive data for the past year and estimates for the current year are published twice a year in April and October. Non-sovereign entities (the world, continents, and some dependent territories) and states with limited international recognition (such as Kosovo and Taiwan) are included in the list where they appear in the sources. Heavy industry, including iron and steel production, machinery manufacturing, shipbuilding, and coal mining, is an important part of Poland’s economy.
Given its population, resources, and proximity to the United States, the country also has substantial potential to expand its economy considerably in the future. Indonesia is a country with substantial potential given its population, resources, and geography. In 2021, the country had a nominal GDP of $1.19 trillion and a GDP, PPP of $3.57 trillion. Given its potential, Indonesia’s economy could expand considerably in the next coming decades.
Tourism is an important industry, and France receives the most visitors of any country each year. Erika Rasure is globally-recognized as a leading consumer economics subject matter expert, researcher, and educator. She is a financial therapist and transformational coach, with a special interest in helping women learn how to invest.
Major exports include coal and petroleum products, in addition to agricultural commodities suitable for industrial use, such as rubber and palm oil. Indonesia’s budget deficit for 2023 is targeted at 2.81% to 2.95% of GDP; however, regional inequality, lack of infrastructure, and governmental corruption remain problems for Indonesia’s rising economy. South Korea’s economy is a 20th-century success story that is today firmly established as an advanced, industrial economy. It is a major producer and exporter of electronics, telecommunications equipment, and motor vehicles. Australia combines a relatively open domestic economy with an extensive network of free trade agreements with trading partners all around the Asia-Pacific Rim. The Netherlands is a major commercial transportation hub, with some industrial manufacturing as well as petroleum extraction and processing.
Saudi Arabia
If Buffett was born in the Soviet Union and employed a “never bet against Russia” investing approach, he would have failed as an investor. If GDP increases, a country might have more goods and services that can improve the quality of living in the country. This chart shows the biggest economies in the world by GDP (current prices/PPP) in 2019 and their growth prospects in 2020. The table is initially ranked by the average of the available estimates for each country or territory, and can be reranked by either of the sources. Gross domestic product (GDP) measures the total output of a nation and is used as a gauge of the health of an economy and its size.
GDP is the sum of the monetary value of the finished goods and services produced in a country in a year. With this progress, however, South Korea also now faces some of the same challenges that many other advanced economies are dealing with, including slower growth and an aging workforce. GDP is most commonly measured by using the expenditure method, which calculates GDP by adding up spending on new consumer goods, new investment spending, government spending, and the value of net exports. Sweden has taken in a large number of new immigrants and thus faces a short- to medium-term challenge with integrating them into Swedish society and its labor market.
Australia has a fully developed economy with a GDP per capita of $59,934.13 in 2021, making it one of the wealthiest nations per capita in the Asian Pacific. With a GDP of $1.54 trillion in 2021, Australia also has one of the largest economies in the Asian Pacific. Spain has the fourth largest economy in the EU with a 2021 GDP of $1.43 trillion. In 2022, Spain’s economy likely expanded over 4.4% given government estimates. Although inflation is a headwind, economists think the country’s economy will expand by another 1.3% in 2023 and 1.7% in 2024.
Poland’s business-friendly climate and sound macroeconomic policies allowed it to be the only EU country to avoid recession in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis. However, inefficient legal and regulatory structures and an aging population are challenges for Poland’s ongoing growth in the future. Brazil emerged from a severe recession in 2017 and suffered a series of high-level corruption scandals along the way. This tracker charts the economic growth performance through time of ninety-one countries around the globe. Russia has a nominal GDP of $1.78 trillion and a GDP, PPP of $4.79 trillion in 2021. Given it has considerable oil and gas reserves, the country is an energy superpower that also has substantial land resources.
Global GDP (Gross World Product) 1960-2022
Given adjustments can be difficult and subjective, GDP, PPP is harder to calculate. Looking at global GDP at constant 2017 prices, but adjusted for purchasing power/cost of living, China was the biggest economy in the world in 2019, with an adjusted GDP of more than $22.5 trillion, according to the World Bank. Its largest export partners are Brazil, the U.S., Chile, and China, with which it has seen a growing relationship.